This morning looked like a great one for the park! We loaded up a whole bunch of dogs and went to the dog park in Randpark Ridge. It was so much fun! Everyone really enjoyed running around and playing together.
Loki and Ecko are a pair of strong Vizslas, who were very full of energy this morning. The car ride was a tad chaotic on the way to the park, with Connor, Loki and Ecko, and Ozzy and Roxy. The pups were all very excited to get to the park, and to be able to play out in the open with one another. After the time in the car, it was time to fetch Evie, and walk to the park. Loki and Ecko were quite restless and were trying to tell the walkers to “hurry up” so they could go play. We met a lot of new dogs upon arrival at the park. It was then time to be off leashes, which was so much fun! Ecko and Loki had a blast chasing and racing each other around the park. They also found some birds to chase. As soon as the Vizslas discovered the birds, their bodies transformed into pointer arrows and they sprinted across the park. They had a lot of fun with that!
It was a lovely thing to watch – all the dogs being completely happy, socializing, and running like mad. They really tired themselves out! Dog walking Randpark Ridge is so great for all involved, and we’ll definitely be visiting the park in the area again. We hope that Loki and Ecko can join us at the park again.
Did you know?
Vizslas are the smallest of the all-round pointer-retriever breeds. They are natural hunters endowed with excellent noses and outstanding trainability. Although they are lively, gentle mannered, demonstrably affectionate and sensitive, they are also fearless and have a well-developed protective instinct.
Source:Â Vizsla
Check out the rest of the walk!: