Bear Caught on Camera Trying to Break into House Through Cat Door
Douglas Harder from Idaho, USA, has been having a hard time keeping the bears away. He had his camera ready one night, snapping a few photos before sending them off to a local TV station, including this one of a bear poking his head through the doorway.
The photos he snapped of the encounter have granted Harder his 15 minutes of internet fame and landed him on TV shows across America. The story actually starts back in May when a family of bears repeatedly climbed up the side of Harder’s home and on to his deck to raid birdseed and Dr. Pepper, according to CNN. Harder washed his deck with bleach to deter future visits. But when Harder came home from holiday on Wednesday he found the inside of his home had been ransacked. “He likes flour, brownie mix, Toblerone and went all the way to the back bedroom for a can of Pepsi!” Harder wrote on Facebook. “It took about 2 hours with a carpet cleaner to clean it up.
“Harder thinks the bear got in by pushing open a back sliding door he had kept slightly open while on vacation. Harder locked the door but the bear just kept coming back. A while later, it visited his deck and then tried to poke its way through the cat door. The bear returned on Friday and tried the cat door again, that’s when Harder snapped the picture he would send to the local CBS affiliate. The picture has spread far and wide online since then and Harder has appeared on upon Good Morning America and CNN to talk about his experience.Harder wrote on Facebook that he thinks all the attention for a bear photo is “overkill” but that he’s just “going with it.” He says he has contacted the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office to inform them about the bears.
Source: Bear Caught on Camera