“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.”
― M.K. Clinton
Source: Dog Time

Connor, who is a rescue, was first to be picked up in the morning of chaotic fun! He was very excited to see his walkers and Ozzy and Roxy, but also to meet the other dogs. He was a bit scared to be in the car at first, but once he saw how easy it was for Ozzy and Roxy, he relaxed a bit. Then it was off to fetch the Vizslas, Loki and Eco. Connor wasn’t sure about this yet, so he sat in the front, and put his head under the cubby for some shade, before the madness continued.
Connor was very happy to get to the dog friendly park (when we finally did), and wanted to say ‘hello’ to absolutely everybody in the park. He took advantage of not having a leash on and shot off to explore. He realised he now had lots of friends to play with, and they all ran around together and went to see if there were any interesting things to smell, or any new dogs to say ‘hi’ to.

It was a successful day at the park with all the dogs, and Connor had a lovely time tiring himself out. He went home to have a rest and drink some water, but didn’t want to say goodbye.
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